HR Manuals & Handbooks
Since 1997 Roots Management Consultants has been working in the Human Resources field. During this period, we wrote many HR Manuals & Handbooks that contains HR Policies & Procedures manuals & Employees handbooks.
HR Manuals & Handbooks are essential to streamline all HR functions. The Human Resources Manuals and Employee Handbook has several benefits to offer.
Benefits of Establishing or Reviewing Your HR Manuals & Handbooks?
First of all, if your business doesn’t have HR Manuals & Handbooks, why should do it?
- Reduce legal risks that a wrong HR related decision can cause.
- Enhance and stream line the performance of the organization.
- Paves the way for business controlled and progressive growth.
- Enhances business compliance to legislation.
In short, it is about telling every one what to do in different situations. Also, the best business approved way to do it.
If already all the manuals and handbooks are in place, then you should know that it needs regular review.
An external consultant, such as Roots Management Consultants, should review these documents.
The recommendation is to review your HR Manuals & Handbooks at least once every 2 or 3 years.
The manuals review will ensure that the current policies and procedures still fit your business needs.
Also, reviewing the Employee Handbook would ensure getting greatest efficiency of each employee.

What is Human Resources Policies & Procedures Manual?
What is Employee Handbook?
manual. It should include the company’s policies related to the employee. Also, includes all procedures the employee needs to follow.
The procedures should be simple and easy for the employee to get his rights and benefits. For example, it should includes the procedure to apply for the annual leave…etc.
What Is The Difference Between HR Operations Manuals and Employee Handbook?
What Roots Management Consultants HR Manuals & Employee Handbook is Offering?
- An analysis phase where we go through all your business aspects and map it to policies.
- Write a document with all the policies, suggested, missing or already in place.
- If you already have procedures in place we will review it and identify gaps.
- If no procedures exists or for identified gaps, we will draft the best practice approach tailored for your needs.
- Review the policies and procedures compliance with the Egyptian Labor Laws.
- Gather all the policies and procedures in their respective manuals.
- Train the relevant employees on how to use the manuals.

Call for a free consultation session
Not sure if this service will fit your requirements or what are the benefits that your business is going to gain? Please, feel free to call us and arrange for a free consultation session.